

ACharts is a free chart library written in JavaScript intended for embedded use in websites. It is fully interactive allowing the user to view specific sections of the data by hovering over or clicking the graph.


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Download ACharts.css



ACharts currently supports 3 chart types, Line, Column and Pi. ACharts.js and ACharts.css need to be imported into your code to use ACharts.

Line Chart

A line chart object can be created using the following code. It takes one parameter, the container element.

1var container = document.getElementById("lineChart");
2var lineChart = new LineChart(container);

The chart can then be drawn in the container element. The draw method takes 2 paramets, an array which contains the chart table and an options object.

1var table = [["Date: ", "Price: ", "Volume: "], ["Jun 14", 200000, 5], ["Jun 15", 450000, 7], ["Jun 16", 100000, 4], ["Jun 17", 15000, 2], ["Jun 18", 5000, 6]];
2var options = {title: "ACharts", curved: true, color: "#0eb1d2", alpha: 0.5, cursor: "crosshair", infoPointer: true};
3lineChart.draw(table, options);

There are many options which can be set before drawing the graph. These are;

Name Description Default Value
title Sets the title of the chart, displayed in the top right. null
yAxisWidth Sets the width of the y-axis. Digits in last y-axis element * 10
xAxisHeight Sets the height of the x-axis. 25
color Sets the color of the line, under line and pointer of the chart. #000000
curved Sets the chart line to be curved if true. false
alpha Sets how sharp the gradient of the curve is. Only for curved charts. 0.5
cursor Sets the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over the chart. default
infoPointer Shows an indicator at the intersect point of the chart if true. false

Column Chart

A column chart object can be created using the following code. It takes one parameter, the container element.

1var container = document.getElementById("columnChart");
2var columnChart = new ColumnChart(container);

The chart can then be drawn in the container element. The draw method takes 2 paramets, an array which contains the chart table and an options object.

1var table = [["Date: ", "Price: ", "Volume: "], ["Jun 14", 200000, 5], ["Jun 15", 450000, 7], ["Jun 16", 100000, 4], ["Jun 17", 15000, 2], ["Jun 18", 5000, 6]];
2var options = {title: "ACharts", colors: ["#D62839", "#F18F01", "#04E762", "#0EB1D2", "#C589E8"], cursor: "pointer", infoPointer: true};
3columnChart.draw(table, options);

There are many options which can be set before drawing the graph. These are;

Name Description Default Value
title Sets the title of the chart, displayed in the top right. null
yAxisWidth Sets the width of the y-axis. Digits in last y-axis element * 10
xAxisHeight Sets the height of the x-axis. 25
colors An array of colors each used for a diffrent column on the chart. [#000000, ...]
cursor Sets the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over the chart. default
infoPointer Shows an indicator at the intersect point of the chart if true. false
rotateX Rotates the x-axis. false
maxXLength Trims x-axis tags if too long null
showXAxis Hides the x-axis true

PI Chart

A pi chart object can be created using the following code. It takes one parameter, the container element.

1var container = document.getElementById("piChart");
2var piChart = new PIChart(container);

The chart can then be drawn in the container element. The draw method takes 2 paramets, an array which contains the chart table and an options object.

1var table = [["Date: ", "Price: ", "Volume: "], ["Jun 14", 200000, 5], ["Jun 15", 450000, 7], ["Jun 16", 100000, 4], ["Jun 17", 15000, 2], ["Jun 18", 5000, 6]];
2var options = {title: "ACharts", colors: ["#D62839", "#F18F01", "#04E762", "#0EB1D2", "#C589E8"], cursor: "pointer", infoPointer: true, showXAxis: true};
3piChart.draw(table, options);

There are many options which can be set before drawing the graph. These are;

Name Description Default Value
title Sets the title of the chart, displayed in the top right. null
colors An array of colors each used for a diffrent column on the chart. [#000000, ...]
cursor Sets the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over the chart. default
infoPointer Shows an indicator at the intersect point of the chart if true. false
showXAxis Hides the x-axis true